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+371 2044 5544

Mobile MULTI


MOBILE MULTI is an innovative, flexible counter that can count and distinguish pedestrians from cyclists while fully mobile and autonomous. The system is built around PYRO-Box and TUBES; each sensor can detect one specific type of user. The different types of passers-by are classified using Smart Connect, an intelligent device that can distinguish between pedestrians and cyclists. The data is then collected and stored in the Eco-Combo to be analysed by the Eco-Visio software.

Fully autonomous and mobile, MOBILE MULTI is also easy to install. Its flexibility to suit different site configurations makes it highly efficient. You can quickly move the meter from one point to another. Installation requires less than 30mn.

Combining two unique patented technologies, the mobile MULTI meter can detect and count pedestrians and cyclists separately. TUBES sensors and the patented ARGO algorithm detect cyclists with over 97% accuracy. The intelligent system classifies users and analyses the direction of travel.


  • Stand-alone and mobile bicycle/pedestrian counter
  • Counts and classifies users
  • Quick installation (<30 minutes)
  • Non-intrusive technology
  • Range: up to 6m for bicycles and 4m for pedestrians
